Software Projects Ltd.

PixelatedArcade has the following games in the database that are associated with Software Projects Ltd..

Displaying all 5 games
  1. Sierra On-Line, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Software Projects Ltd., Toshiba-EMI Ltd.
    Apple II (1983), Atari 8-bit (1983), ColecoVision (1983), IBM PC/Compatibles (1984), MSX (1985), ZX Spectrum (1984)
  2. Brøderbund Software, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Apollo Technica, Hudson Soft Company, Ltd., SEGA Enterprises Ltd., Software Projects Ltd., Sony Corporation, SystemSoft, Universe
    Amstrad CPC (1989), Apple II (1983), Atari 8-bit (1984), Commodore 64 (1983), Commodore VIC-20 (1983), IBM PC/Compatibles (1983), MSX (1984), NES / Famicom (1984), PC-6000 Series (1984), PC-8000 Series (1983), PC-8800 Series (1983), PC-9800 Series (1983), Sega SG-1000 (1983), Sharp MZ-80K Series (1985), Sharp X1 (1984), ZX Spectrum (1984)
  3. Bug-Byte Software Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    M.A.D., Software Projects Ltd.
    Amiga (1990), Amstrad CPC (1984), BBC Micro (1984), Commodore 16 & Plus/4 (1986), Commodore 64 (1984), Dragon 32/64 (1985), Memotech MTX (1985), MSX (1985), Oric (1987), Tatung Einstein (1985), ZX Spectrum (1983)
  4. Coleco Industries, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Encore, Erbe Software, S.A., Software Projects Ltd.
    Amstrad CPC (1986), Coleco Adam (1984), Commodore 64 (1986), ZX Spectrum (1986)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  5. Software Projects Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    Hudson Soft Company, Ltd., Hudson Soft Ltd., Tynesoft Computer Software
    Acorn Electron (1985), Amstrad CPC (1985), Atari 8-bit (1986), BBC Micro (1985), Commodore 16 & Plus/4 (1986), Commodore 64 (1984), Dragon 32/64 (1985), Memotech MTX (unreleased), MSX (1985), Tatung Einstein (1985), ZX Spectrum (1984)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
Displaying all 5 games