Cosmic Ark: Instruction Manual

Game: Cosmic Ark
Platform: Atari 2600

Cosmic Ark

The sun of Alpha Ro is fading fast! Soon it will flicker out. The Cosmic Ark races to save creatures from doomed planets in that solar system. Meteor showers bombard the Ark, threatening its Atlantean crew — and planetary defense systems make this mission of mercy doubly treacherous! Time and energy slip away — work fast or these defenseless little beasties will disappear for all time.

The Cosmic Ark has travelled thousands of light years in order to preserve the many exotic species peculiar to the Alpha Ro solar system. When that sun novas, life on planets there will wither and die.

Nothing about this mission is easy. Heavy meteor activity throughout the system makes travel hazardous. And each planet has an automatic defense system that cannot be knocked out. Can the Ark succeed in saving the many helpless creatures of Alpha Ro? Can the Cosmic Ark survive? How many planets can you reach?

Game Objective

Pilot the Cosmic Ark through dangerous territory. Destroy meteors that come too close. You score each time you eliminate a meteor. If you survive the meteor shower, launch a shuttleship to the surface of each planet. Try to capture 2 skittish beasties in your tractor beam in order to gain fuel and points. Be quick about it! Return to the Ark before it undergoes another meteor barrage. But be careful — automatic planetary defense systems attempt to disable the shuttleship, releasing your precious cargo before you can safely transport them to the Ark. Reach as many planets as your fuel reserves allow. Game ends when you've exhausted your store of fuel.

Cosmic Ark gameplay illustration

Console Controls

  • Insert cartridge in console, label up. Turn power switch to on.
  • Flip Game Select Lever to choose one of the six Cosmic Ark games.
  • Game number appears at the bottom centre of the screen.
  • Hit Game Reset Lever to begin action. Game begins again whenever Reset Lever is tapped.
  • Red button on left joystick will reset game when current game ends.

Atari VCS

Game Play

Cosmic Ark moves through 2 distinct sections:

  • Meteor shower
  • Shuttleship rescue
  • Meteor shower:
    • The Cosmic Ark battles its way through a meteor shower.
    • You control Cosmic Ark weapon fire with your joystick.
    • To fire: lean joystick in the direction you wish to fire. Note: red button does not fire weapon.
      • To fire up: push joystick away from you.
      • To fire down: pull joystick toward you.
      • To fire left: move joystick left.
      • To fire right: move joystick right.
      • Joystick must be returned to centre upright position between each shot.
  • Shuttleship rescue:
    • If you survived the meteor shower, the Cosmic Ark proceeds to the nearest planet.
    • Once the Ark is in position, use your joystick to launch the shuttleship to the planet surface.
    • To launch shuttleship from Cosmic Ark: pull joystick toward you.

      The shuttleship maneuvers easily.
      • To approach the planet surface: pull joystick toward you.
      • To move back toward Ark: push joystick away from you.
      • To move left: move joystick left.
      • To move right: move joystick right.
      • To move at an angle, tip joystick in the direction desired.
      Line up the shuttleship over the little creatures. To capture them, use tractor beam.
      • To operate tractor beam: press red button.
      • When you capture a creature, keep it in the tractor beam until it arrives onboard the shuttleship, or it will slip from the beam and return to the planet surface.
      • A blip sounds when the creature is safely aboard.
      Try to catch both beasties and return to the Ark before a warning blast alerts you to renewed meteor activity.
      • If both beasties are caught, the Ark moves to the next planet. The pace picks up.
      • If the warning sounds before you've captured both beasties, get back to the Ark and defend it against bombardment.
        • If the Ark survives the assault, it will return to the same planet surface in order to complete rescue operations.
      Note: You cannot fire at meteors while the shuttleship is away from the Ark. To do so would endanger any creature already captured and on the shuttleship.

      Beware! Automatic planetary defense systems will fire at the shuttleship.
      • Located on either side of the planet surface, they move up and down and fire at intervals.
      • If hit, you lose valuable energy, and the shuttleship releases one creature you have captured on that planet.
      • The shuttleship will have returned to the Ark. You must manoeuvre it back toward the planet surface.

Cosmic Ark gameplay elements


  • The game ends when Cosmic Ark runs out of fuel.
  • The red bar in the box at the lower centre of screen represents fuel supply. It only appears during meteor shower.
  • You begin with the equivalent of 40 fuel units.
    • Cosmic Ark destroys a meteor: gain 1 fuel unit.
    • Capture a beastie: gain 10 fuel units.
    • Capture both beasties and return to the Cosmic Ark before the warning sounds: regain all fuel units.
    • Meteor hits Cosmic Ark: lose 10 fuel units.
    • Cosmic Ark fires at meteors: burn 1 fuel unit.
    Note: When struck my a meteor, Cosmic Ark disappears momentarily. It will reappear as long as you still have energy.


Your score appears to the right in the box at the bottom centre of screen.

  • Destroy a meteor: 10 points.
  • Destroy a special wavering meteor: 30 points.
  • Reach planet, capture both beasties and return to Cosmic Ark: 1000 points.
  • Cosmic Ark will return to a planet's surface as long as a beastie remains.

Game Variations

1-Player Games

  • Game 1: Regular Cosmic Ark Mission
  • Game 2: Meteor Shower
  • Game 4: Advanced Cosmic Ark Mission
  • Game 5: Advanced Meteor Shower

2-Player Games

  • Game 3: Regular Ark Mission
  • Game 6: Advanced Ark Mission
In 2-player games, one player battles meteor showers while the other controls the shuttleship.
  • The Right Difficulty Lever controls joystick options:
    • Position A: Right joystick battles meteor shower Left joystick controls shuttleship
    • Position B: Left joystick: shuttleship Right joystick: meteor shower
  • The Left Difficulty Lever controls the width of the Ark:
    • In position A, the Cosmic Ark is wider, and so, more difficult to defend.
    • In position B, the Cosmic Ark is narrower and more easily defended.

Imagic Video Game Cartridge Two Year Limited Warranty

Imagic warrants to the original consumer purchaser of this Imagic video game cartridge that it will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for TWO YEARS from the date of purchase. If this cartridge is discovered to be defective within the warranty period, Imagic, at its option, will either repair or replace this cartridge free of charge, upon receipt of the cartridge, postage prepaid, with proof of date of purchase, at the following location:

IMAGIC Customer Services 1875 Dobbin Drive San Jose, CA 95133

This warranty is limited to electronic and mechanical parts contained within the cartridge. It is not applicable to normal wear and tear and is not applicable and shall be void if the defect has arisen through, or the cartridge shows signs of, misuse, excessive wear, modifications, or tampering.
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequentional damages, so the limitations of exclusions set forth above may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which very from state to state.

Cosmic Ark proof of purchase