
Dragon Con 2021 Photoset

Cosplay Photos from This Year's Dragon Con and Interesting Stuff

Tron cosplayers at Dragon Con 2021

It's been a busy summer here, and now heading into the fall we're keeping equally occupied. Not really a gaming related update this month, however for those interested this past week we returned from Dragon Con in Atlanta, GA and my photoset from the event is now up at PixelatedImages. Dragon Con is always a wonderful time, and after last year being cancelled due to the pandemic it was truly great to be out and photographing again. In the meantime, a stack of games has been piling up here that needs to be scanned and uploaded; I'll be working on that as well as more images, game information, screenshots, and (hopefully) videos and sound clips that will all be coming soon! Thanks for checking out PixelatedArcade; I also always like to point out other interesting sources I come across, and an incredibly well done one is The Digital Antiquarian; there's plenty of great articles and reviews there if you're interested in gaming history, and the latest The Neo-Classical Interactive Fiction of 1995 is no exception. Take a look when you have some time...That's all for now, so until next time stay safe and take care!