Alpha Build
Apple II,
Commodore 64,
IBM PC/Compatibles

Main Genre:
Visual Presentation:
Fixed / Flip Screen
Reading / Writing

IBM PC version of Alpha Build
The game screen in Alpha Build consists a line of four trucks at the bottom of the screen
with a letter machine and ladder at the top. Players need to guide Perry up the ladder to pick up the next
letter; once a letter is acquired, Perry needs to drop it in a chute with the matching letter so it lands
in the correct truck. Once all four trucks are filled, they drive off to partially build the city. To complete
a city takes three truck loads; the first visit builds the frame, the second visit builds the surfaces, and
finally on the last visit the city is painted.
The game includes 8 different levels of play. On the easiest levels, letters are presented in the correct order and simply need to be matched to the correct truck. More difficult levels may have letters in the wrong order and players need to move the conveyer belt until the letter they need is available. Some of the more difficult levels also use words instead of single letters or may have the cute labels hidden so players need to figure out which truck to drop a letter into.
The game includes 8 different levels of play. On the easiest levels, letters are presented in the correct order and simply need to be matched to the correct truck. More difficult levels may have letters in the wrong order and players need to move the conveyer belt until the letter they need is available. Some of the more difficult levels also use words instead of single letters or may have the cute labels hidden so players need to figure out which truck to drop a letter into.
Commodore 64
Producer: | Clifford West | |
Artist: | Steve Snyder | |
Programmer: | Mac Senour | |
Music: | Caroline Senour | |
Documentation: | Judy Lower | |
Designers: | Chris Beck, Susan Keyes, Steve Snyder, Mac Senour, Tanya Wendling, Clifford West, Ramon M. Zamora |