Animal Hotel
Apple II,
Commodore 64,
IBM PC/Compatibles
Main Genre:
Mental Training
Side View
Visual Presentation:
Fixed / Flip Screen

IBM CGA version of Animal Hotel
Animal Hotel is a simple memory game initially published by Learning Technologies, Inc. with versions available for the Apple II, Commodore 64, and IBM PC. As manager of an animal hotel, players have the goal of remembering where each of their guests are staying. Depending on the difficulty selected, either three or six hotel rooms are shown. Players can select from 1 to 5 seconds to have the occupent of each room shown before the doors close again. The game will then randomly select a room and players need to correctly identify which animal was staying in that room. Players can repeat the process as many times as they want; when done, the game presents a score based on correct guesses.
Product catalogs, magazines, flyers, or other documentation Animal Hotel has appeared in.*Note: If you are unable to see any images in this section, you may have an ad blocker installed that is blocking the thumbnails and/or images.
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