Arch Rivals

Platforms: Arcade, Game Gear, NES / Famicom, Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
Monitor Orientation: Horizontal
Monitor Type: Raster
Monitor Capabilities: Color
Video Resolution: 512 x 480 @ 30.000000 Hz
Sound Capabilities: Stereo
Sound CPU: Motorola MC6809E @ 2.0 MHz (x1)
Sound Hardware: Biquad Filter (x2) , Harris HC-55516 (x1) , MC1408 DAC (x1) , Williams System 11 Background Audio Board (x1) , Yamaha YM2151 @ 3.579545 MHz (x1)
Arcade System Board: Bally Midway MCR-68K
CPU: Motorola MC68000 @ 7.7238 MHz (x1)
Cabinet Availability: Conversion Kit , Dedicated Cabinet
Cabinet Type: Upright/Standard
Gameplay Info
Number of Players Supported: 1-2 Players
Control Panel Layout: Multiple Players
Multiplayer Gameplay: Simultaneous
Controls (per player): Button (x2) , Joystick (x1)
NES / Famicom
Technical Info
Media: Cartridge
Input Devices: NES Controller
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1-2 Players
Multiplayer Gameplay: Simultaneous
Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
Technical Info
Media: Cartridge
Input Devices: Genesis Control Pad
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1-2 Players
Multiplayer Gameplay: Simultaneous