Combots is a strategy/programming game where two “combat robots” are placed in an arena with the goal of hitting their opponent with a laser the most times in a given time limit. During the battle, players don't directly control the combots; instead, the combots run a pre-programmed routine created by the player. So the first thing players will need to do is program their combot; the programs are simple and consist of a series of actions that the combot will execute. There are three actions possible and a total of ten actions can be programmed. The possible actions are Move (the combot moves forward slightly in which ever direction it is facing), Turn (the combot changes the direction it is facing), and Fire (The combot fires the laser). Once players have programmed their combots, two of them can be chosen and placed in the arena. During the alotted time, each combot will keep repeating the actions it was programmed to do. Once time runs out, the combot that hit its opponent the most wins!