Curse of the Azure Bonds

Platforms: Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, Commodore 64, IBM PC/Compatibles, Macintosh, PC-9800 Series


Main Genre:
Licensed Title
Gameplay Style:
Turn Based


Platform: Macintosh
Based on the TSR novel "Azure Bonds" by: Kate Novak, Jeff Grubb
Scenario Created by: TSR, Inc., SSI, Jeff Grubb, George MacDonald
Game Created by: SSI Special Projects
Project Leader: George MacDonald
Programming: Scot Bayless, Russ Brown, Michael Mancuso
Development: David Shelley, Michael Mancuso, Oran Kangas
Graphic Arts: Tom Wahl, Fred Butts, Susan Manley, Mark Johnson, Cyrus Lum
Playtesting: Jim Jennings, James Kucera, Rick White, Robert Daly
Macintosh Version by: MicroMagic
Project Director: Jason Linhart
Design: Kiri Naiman, Stephen Linhart
Programming: Jason Linhart, Lester Humphreys, David Blake, Richard Filoramo
Project Manager: Lester Humphreys
Art: Carol Tanguay, Kiri Naiman
Playtesting: Kiri Naiman, Richard K. Ware, Stephen Linhart, Thomas Mac Mahon


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