IBM PC/Compatibles
IBM PC/Compatibles
Program: | Dariusz Lukaszuk | |
Art: | Tom Collie, Dariusz Lukaszuk, Kobi Miller, Alan J. Murphy, Steve Snyder, Ron Winnick | |
3D Art: | Mark Brenneman | |
Music: | Russell Lieblich | |
Sounds: | Bryce Morcello | |
Tracks: | Dariusz Lukaszuk | |
Photography: | Randy Dersham | |
Casting & Makeup: | Sher Alltucker | |
Starring: | Sher Alltucker (as Preying Menace), Will Brennan (as Wrecker), Roger Emmert (as Megadeath), Emi Foster (as Killer Angel), Angela Heng (as Crimson Death), David Littlejohn (as MotorManiac), Piotr Lukaszuk (as Mafiozo), Jake Shimanek (as Lurker Logan), Damon Slye (as Slye), Kim Sweeney (as Melissa) | |
Producers: | Steven Ackrich, John A. S. Skeel | |
Technical assistance: | Piotr Lukaszuk, David McClurg | |
Design: | Terry Ishida, Dariusz Lukaszuk | |
Direction: | Jeff Tunnell | |
Dedicated to the memory of: | Enzo Ferrari | |
Moral support: | W.L., T.L., T.R., A.T., C.T., T.H., S.S. | |
Thanks: | Paul Bowman (for playing foosball with us), Steve Wendell (for the red Ferrari - we’ll probably return it soon) | |
Special thanks to: | Terry Ishida |
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