IBM PC/Compatibles

Donkey for the IBM PC
The game screen in Donkey consists of a two lane road in the center of the screen
which scrolls vertically. A race car is in one of the two lanes which players can have switch lanes
by pressing the space bar. Switching lanes is the only action possible, players are unable to
steer the car or have it speed up or slow down. Every couple of seconds a donkey will appear in
one of the lanes; players need to ensure the race car is in the opposite lane before it
crashes into the donkey. As the car avoids donkeys, it will slowly move further up on the screen
so players have less time to react when a donkey appears. The game keeps track of successes and failures;
each time the player avoids the donkey, a point is awarded to the driver and after each
crash the donkey is awarded a point.
IBM PC/Compatibles
Written by: | Bill Gates, Neil Konzen |