IBM PC/Compatibles,
PC-9800 Series

VETTE! Concept and Design: | Dan Geisler, Gilman Louie | |
Macintosh version programming: | Joe Tretinik, Joel Powers, Brian Lewis, Kuswara Pranawahadi | |
Program support: | Steve Fransen, Anthony Chiang, Lawrence Chiu, Albert Durstenfeld, Jake Hoelter, Cyndi Sheng, Peter Ward | |
Program artwork: | Dan Guerra, Jody Sather, Matt Carlström | |
Manual artwork: | Matt Carlström, Chuck Butler | |
Sound and music: | Gary Clayton, Steve Capps, Ed Bogas | |
Original IBM manual by: | Kimberly Disney, Marisa Ong, Lars Norpchen | |
Macintosh manual layout and writing: | Robert Giedt, Marisa Ong, Stephen Goldin | |
Testing: | Kurt Boutin, Kasey Chang, Eric Grotke, Bradd Huddle, Mike Nebeker, Marisa Ong | |
Special thanks to: | Phil Adam, Greg Brewer, Gilman Louie, Rita Harrington, Reggie Seagraves, Ty Roberts, Mark Van Alstine |
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