PixelatedArcade News
February 2021 Updates
New Code Updates and Ice Storms
Game Review
Welcome to 2021 everyone! Here's hoping this year turns out better than the last. It's also been a while since I've posted any updates, especially a game review, so a new review seems like a great way to kick off the new year. For previous reviews I picked out a few awful to average games, so this time around I thought I would switch gears to the opposite end of the spectrum. As the 1980's were coming to a close, Sierra On-Line licensed several games from Japanese developer Game Arts for release in North America. Thexder is likely the best known, and at the time was one of Sierra's best selling games (and deservedly so, it's a fun game I also recommend checking out). This time around, however, I'm going to point your attention to what seems to be one of Game Arts more obscure titles, Zeliard.
Happy Holidays 2020!
The PixelatedArcade 2020 End of Year Roundup
Unexpected Downtime
Upgrades and Updates
Scheduled Maintenance and New Platforms
Fall 2020 Site Updates and Cool Stuff 3
Missing Events and Photos
The Coronavirus Cancelled Events
Under normal circumstances I would have spent the past week at Dragon Con and then a few days afterwards editing all of the photos I took. Unfortunately, the event was cancelled; I can't say I blame the organizers, social distancing is quite impossible there and given the current situation with Covid-19 it had the potential to be a real disaster. Instead, I spent the week tending to real life obligations; if you would like to see my past photos, check out the set at PixelatedImages Dragon Con Gallery. I also just learned today that MAGFest (The D.C. area Music and Gaming Festival), originally scheduled for January 2021, has also been cancelled for the year. Same story, and again it's hard to blame the organizers for having to make this tough decision. Other events, while not officially cancelled yet, are (I'm sure) watching the situation closely. Not much of an update this month, but I do have a lot more to add to PixelatedArcade and PixelatedImages, so until then thanks for checking in and please stay safe, stay healthy, and take care!
Alternate CGA Colors, Part 2
Swapping Real Life Palettes
Works in Progress
Summer 2020 Updates and Cool Stuff 2
It is almost July of 2020! You might think a pandemic would be the perfect time to get a ton of site updates completed and content updated due to being stuck at home, but as I mentioned in the previous update we're in the middle of moving here which takes up a large amount of time. The process has, of course, taken three times as long as I originally estimated and when I'm not moving boxes, I'm taking a break to add more information to PixelatedArcade. The exciting news for me is that the final boxes of our game and hardware collection has been moved out of storage just this morning, so plenty more scans, photos, screenshots and more will be coming later this year.
I also wanted to point out a few other cool things which can be found around the web...