PixelatedArcade News
Willow: The Computer Game
Game Review
Not many people remember the movie Willow these days it seems, and perhaps for good reason; in retrospect, it was rather mediocre. Despite some big names associated, it was met with mixed reviews when it came out
and time hasn't helped its cause. Still, at the time, I was young and absolutely adored the film regardless of any shortcomings; so when Mindscape came out with their computer
adaptation of the movie I immediately plunked down my hard earned cash. Unfortunately, while the movie may had some redeeming qualities even if it's not a cinematic masterpiece...
Marketing and Ad Blockers
The Ads You Want to See!
Advertisements are a part of video game history; viewing flyers, magazine ads, product catalogs, and so on can provide a
lot of insight into what the market was like at the time. Sometimes the artwork was amazing and worth preserving just by itself,
but perhaps more often the results are ridiculous and very much a product of the era and provide amusement only in an
MST3K fashion. Either way, it's noteworthy!
We've been adding scans of numerous advertisements to games here at PixelatedArcade; nearly 1000 have been posted as of this writing,
with many more to come! One issue, however,
can occur if you're using an ad blocker (such Adblock Plus)...
PixelatedArcade News is Now Live!
New Layout and New Features Added
Welcome to the new PixelatedArcade news section! Perhaps blog would be a better description; either way, this is one of a few new features just added to the site and is intended to provide an opportunity for me to ramble about code changes and additions, games I may find interesting (both the good and the bad ones), and probably whatever random thought happens to be on my mind on a particular day. As with everything, it's a work in progress; no doubt the format will change, the topics that come up will vary, and so on...
Displaying News 41 - 43 of 43 in total