Browse Games

Displaying games 1 - 30 of 485 in total
  1. Capcom Co., Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    ASCII Corporation, Capcom Entertainment, Inc., Capcom U.S.A., Inc., Elite Systems Ltd., Encore, Zafiro Software Division
    Amstrad CPC (1986), Arcade (1984), Commodore 64 (1986), Fujitsu FM-7 (1987), Game Boy Color (2000), MSX (1986), NES / Famicom (1985), PC-8800 Series (1987), Sharp X1 (1987), ZX Spectrum (1986)
  2. Coleco Industries, Inc.
    ColecoVision (1984)
  3. Lance Haffner Games
    Apple II (1984), Atari 8-bit (1987), Atari ST (unreleased), Commodore 64 (1985), IBM PC/Compatibles (1985)
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  4. PC Research Inc.
    IBM PC/Compatibles (1984)
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  5. IBM
    IBM PC/Compatibles (1984)
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  6. Realtime Games Software Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    2.99 Classics, Entersoft Ltd
    Amstrad CPC (1985), Enterprise (1985), ZX Spectrum (1984)
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  7. Strategic Simulations, Inc.
    Apple II (1984), Atari 8-bit (1984), Commodore 64 (1984), IBM PC/Compatibles (1986)
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  8. Acornsoft Limited
    Versions also published by:
    Topologika Software Ltd.
    Acorn Archimedes (1989), Amstrad CPC (1987), Amstrad PCW (1987), BBC Micro (1984), IBM PC/Compatibles (1987), ZX Spectrum (1988)
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  9. Activision, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Activision (UK) Inc., Firebird Software, Pony Canyon, Inc.
    Atari 2600 (1983), Atari 5200 (1983), Atari 8-bit (1984), ColecoVision (1984), Commodore 64 (1984), MSX (1984)
  10. The Learning Company
    Apple II (1984), Commodore 64 (1984), IBM PC/Compatibles (1984)
  11. Artic Computing Ltd.
    Amstrad CPC (1985), Commodore 64 (1984), ZX Spectrum (1982), ZX81 / Timex Sinclair 1000 (1981)
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  12. Artic Computing Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    Paxman Promotions Ltd., Sinclair Research Ltd.
    Amstrad CPC (1985), Commodore 64 (1984), ZX Spectrum (1982), ZX81 / Timex Sinclair 1000 (1981)
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  13. Artic Computing Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    Paxman Promotions Ltd., Sinclair Research Ltd.
    Amstrad CPC (1985), Commodore 64 (1984), ZX Spectrum (1982), ZX81 / Timex Sinclair 1000 (1982)
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  14. CBS Software
    Apple II (1984), IBM PC/Compatibles (1984)
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  15. Level 9 Computing, Ltd.
    Amstrad CPC (1984), Atari 8-bit (1983), BBC Micro (1982), Camputers Lynx (1983), Commodore 64 (1983), Enterprise (unreleased), Memotech MTX (1984), MSX (1984), Oric (1983), ZX Spectrum (1983)
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  16. Adventure International
    Versions also published by:
    Adventure International (UK)
    Apple II (1985), Atari 8-bit (1984), Commodore 16 & Plus/4 (1984), Commodore 64 (1984), IBM PC/Compatibles (1985), TI-99/4A (1984), ZX Spectrum (1986)
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  17. Spinnaker Software Corporation
    Commodore 64 (1984), ZX Spectrum (1984)
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  18. Scholastic, Inc.
    Apple II (1984), Atari 8-bit (1984), Commodore 64 (1985), IBM PC/Compatibles (1984)
  19. The Avalon Hill Game Company
    Versions also published by:
    CSK Research Institute Corp.
    Apple II (1982), Fujitsu FM-7 (1984), PC-8800 Series (1984)
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  20. Synapse Software Corporation
    Versions also published by:
    Americana Software Limited, IBM, Kotobuki-Raison, ariolasoft GmbH
    Atari 8-bit (1983), IBM PC/Compatibles (1985), PC-8800 Series (1984)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  21. Developmental Learning Materials
    Apple II (1984), Commodore 64 (1984), IBM PC/Compatibles (1984)
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  22. Spinnaker Software Corporation
    Apple II (1983), Atari 8-bit (1983), Coleco Adam (1984), ColecoVision (1984), Commodore 64 (1983), Commodore VIC-20 (1983), IBM PC/Compatibles (1983), TRS-80 Color Computer (1984), ZX Spectrum (1984)
  23. Telarium Corp.
    Versions also published by:
    Audiogenic Software Ltd., Idealogic S.A.
    Apple II (1984), Atari ST (1986), Commodore 64 (1984), IBM PC/Compatibles (1984), Macintosh (1985), MSX (1987)
  24. Brøderbund Software, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Brøderbund Japan Inc.
    Amiga (1990), Amstrad CPC (1990), Apple II (1984), Atari ST (1990), IBM PC/Compatibles (1984), Macintosh (1985), PC-8800 Series (1986), PC-9800 Series (1987)
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  25. Electronic Arts, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Activision, Inc., Ariolasoft UK, Atari Corporation, Bullet-Proof Software, Inc.
    Amiga (1986), Amstrad CPC (1985), Apple II (1984), Atari 8-bit (1983), Commodore 64 (1984), Fujitsu FM-7 (1988), IBM PC/Compatibles (1984), NES / Famicom (1989), PC-8800 Series (1986), Sharp X1 (1986), ZX Spectrum (1985)
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  26. Compu-Teach, Inc.
    Apple II (1984), IBM PC/Compatibles (1984)
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  27. Digital Fantasia Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    Channel 8 Software, Molimerx Ltd.
    Acorn Electron (1983), Atari 8-bit (1983), BBC Micro (1982), Commodore 64 (1983), Dragon 32/64 (1984), Oric (1983), TRS-80 (1982), ZX Spectrum (1983)
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  28. First Star Software, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Parker Brothers
    Arcade (1984), Atari 5200 (1983), Atari 8-bit (1982), Commodore 64 (1984)
  29. CBS Software
    Versions also published by:
    Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.
    Apple II (1987), Atari 8-bit (1984), Commodore 64 (1984), IBM PC/Compatibles (1987)
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  30. Continental Software Ltd.
    Memotech MTX (1984)
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Displaying games 1 - 30 of 485 in total