Apple II,
Atari 2600,
Atari 5200,
Atari 8-bit,
Commodore 64,
Commodore VIC-20,
IBM PC/Compatibles,

Main Genre:
Gameplay Style:
Visual Presentation:
Scrolling (Horizontal or Vertical)

ColecoVision version of Defender
The game screen in Defender consists of an area that scrolls horizontally with a
city at the bottom of the screen populated by numerous humanoids; most versions of the game depict the city with
a single line (a style originally implemented due to hardware limitations), though some versions
(such as the Atari 2600 version) vary and use other styles.
Players control a spaceship which can fly both left and right (if the end of the gameplay area is reached the
screen wraps around to the opposite side). The ship has three defenses; it can fire in the direction the player
is facing, use smart bombs, or enter hyperspace to instantly transport to a random location in the city.
Smart bombs destroy all oponents that are on the screen; they are limited in number, however additional smart bombs
can be gained by scoring enough points. The use of hyperspace can be risky; there is no guarantee the ship won't
be warped right on top of an invader destroying it. To help, the very top of the game screen includes a scanner
showing the entire city which includes where the player is along with all of the invaders and humanoids.
On each level in the game numerous alien invaders appear and players need to destroy them all in order to proceed to the next, more difficult level. If the players ship comes into contact with any of the invaders or their projectiles, a life is lost; the game ends when players have no more remaining lives. The enemy invaders come in several varieties; while most of the invaders attack only the player, each level includes numerous landers which can also capture the humanoids. If a captured humanoid is carried up to the top of the screen, it is transformed into a dangerous mutant; if all humanoids are captured or destroyed, the entire city is destroyed (this doesn't end the game, but it causes additional mutants to appear and attack making the game more difficult than it already is). Players can rescue captured humanoids by shooting the lander carrying it; if the humanoid is too high off of the ground, players also need to capture the falling humanoid and safely carry it to the ground. At any time players also need to be careful not to shoot the humanoids themselves!
On each level in the game numerous alien invaders appear and players need to destroy them all in order to proceed to the next, more difficult level. If the players ship comes into contact with any of the invaders or their projectiles, a life is lost; the game ends when players have no more remaining lives. The enemy invaders come in several varieties; while most of the invaders attack only the player, each level includes numerous landers which can also capture the humanoids. If a captured humanoid is carried up to the top of the screen, it is transformed into a dangerous mutant; if all humanoids are captured or destroyed, the entire city is destroyed (this doesn't end the game, but it causes additional mutants to appear and attack making the game more difficult than it already is). Players can rescue captured humanoids by shooting the lander carrying it; if the humanoid is too high off of the ground, players also need to capture the falling humanoid and safely carry it to the ground. At any time players also need to be careful not to shoot the humanoids themselves!
The Alien Force
The following types of invaders are encountered in Defender:
- Lander: Landers appear on every level and attempt to capture humanoids; if they carry a humanoid to the top of the screen, it will be transformed into a mutant.
- Bomber: Bombers travel about the city and leave a trail of stationary mines behind. The mines can't be destroyed so players must avoid them.
- Pod: Pods float around the screen randomly starting on the second level. Each pod consists of multiple Swarmers; when a pod is shot, the swarmers are released and rapidly attack the player.
- Swarmer: Swarmers are contained in pods and released when a pod is destroyed; they tend to track the player closely.
- Baiter: Baiters are large ships that move very fast; they usually appear if a player takes too long to complete a level.
- Mutant: Mutants are formed when a humanoid is captured by a lander and carried to the top of the screen or if the city is destroyed. Mutants move sporadically and shoot numerous projectiles at the player making them difficult to destroy.
Atari 5200
Programmed by: | Steve Baker | |
Atari 5200 conversion by: | Harry Brown | |
Cover artwork by: | Robert Hunt |
Atari 8-bit
Programmed by: | Steve Baker | |
Cover artwork by: | Steve Hendricks |
Program by: | Peter Farson | |
Graphics by: | Eric Wels | |
Sound by: | Russ Haft |
Click on a picture below to view a larger version.Arcade Version |
Upright Cabinet |
Arcade Version |
Cocktail Table |
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Instruction Manual
Atari 5200
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Instruction Manual
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Instruction Manual
IBM PC/Compatibles
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Instruction Manual
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Product catalogs, magazines, flyers, or other documentation Defender has appeared in.*Note: If you are unable to see any images in this section, you may have an ad blocker installed that is blocking the thumbnails and/or images.
Arcade Flyers |
Magazine Advertisements |
Product Catalog Pages |
Related Games
Packaging/Label Styles
This game has releases with the following standardized packaging styles:
Atari 8-bit (Black)
Atari Illustrated
Atari Silver (Standard)
Sears Tele-Games (Illustrated)