Nerm of Bemer

Platforms: Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, Commodore VIC-20, IBM PC/Compatibles, TI-99/4A
Atari 8-bit
Technical Info
Media: Type-In
Input Devices: Joystick
Additional Requirements: Requires Atari BASIC
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
Commodore 64
Technical Info
Media: Type-In
Input Devices: Joystick
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
Commodore VIC-20
Technical Info
VIC-20 Memory Expansion Required: 8 KB
Media: Type-In
Input Devices: Joystick
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
IBM PC/Compatibles
Technical Info
Minimum CPU required: 8088 / 8086
Display Hardware Supported: Text Mode
Media: Type-In
Sound Hardware Supported: PC Internal Speaker
Input Devices: Keyboard
Additional Requirements: BASIC Interpreter
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player
Technical Info
Minimum System Supported: TI-99/4A
Media: Type-In
Input Devices: Keyboard
Additional Requirements: BASIC Interpreter
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1 Player