Video Resolution

ZX Spectrum - 256 x 192 (15 colors)

The ZX Spectrum could display a total of 15 colors (there were actually 16 colors: 8 colors each with both low intensity and high intensity variations. However, black remained black in both the low intensity and high intensity versions, so in practice only 15 colors were visible). Only two colors per block of 8x8 pixels was possible, and low intensity and high intensity colors couldn't be mixed in a single block. This limitation lead to the Spectrum's famous color clash appearance with its graphics.
See also other comparable hardware offering a resolution of 256 x 192 (15 colors)
The following games documented on PixelatedArcade support ZX Spectrum - 256 x 192 (15 colors).

Displaying games 61 - 90 of 205 in total
  1. Strategic Simulations, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Erbe Software, S.A., Kixx, Pony Canyon, Inc., U.S. Gold Ltd.
    Amiga (1989), Amstrad CPC (1990), Atari ST (1989), Commodore 64 (1990), FM Towns (1992), IBM PC/Compatibles (1989), NES / Famicom (1992), PC-9800 Series (1992), ZX Spectrum (1990)
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  2. U.S. Gold Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    Keypunch Software, Inc.
    Amstrad CPC (1988), Commodore 64 (1988), IBM PC/Compatibles (1989), ZX Spectrum (1988)
  3. Accolade, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Dro Soft
    Amiga (1989), Amstrad CPC (1989), Apple IIgs (1989), Atari ST (1990), Commodore 64 (1989), IBM PC/Compatibles (1989), Macintosh (1989), MSX (1990), ZX Spectrum (1989)
  4. Dinamic Software
    Amstrad CPC (1986), MSX (1987), ZX Spectrum (1987)
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  5. Positive
    Versions also published by:
    Prism Leisure Corporation Plc
    Amstrad CPC (1989), IBM PC/Compatibles (1989), MSX (1989), ZX Spectrum (1989)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  6. Melbourne House
    Versions also published by:
    Dro Soft, Mastertronic Ltd., Mastertronic plus
    Amstrad CPC (1987), IBM PC/Compatibles (1989), ZX Spectrum (1987)
  7. Titus France SA
    Versions also published by:
    Titus Ltd., Titus Software Corporation
    Amiga (1989), Amstrad CPC (1988), Atari ST (1989), Commodore 64 (1989), IBM PC/Compatibles (1989), Macintosh (1990), ZX Spectrum (1989)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  8. Screen 7 Ltd.
    Amiga (1989), Atari ST (1989), Commodore 64 (1989), IBM PC/Compatibles (1989), ZX Spectrum (1989)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  9. The Codemasters Software Co. Ltd.
    Amiga (1991), Amstrad CPC (1989), Atari ST (1991), Commodore 64 (1990), IBM PC/Compatibles (1991), ZX Spectrum (1989)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  10. Titus France SA
    Versions also published by:
    Proein S.L.
    Amiga (1988), Amstrad CPC (1988), Atari ST (1988), IBM PC/Compatibles (1988), ZX Spectrum (1988)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  11. Ocean Software Ltd.
    Commodore 64 (1988), ZX Spectrum (1988)
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  12. Elite Systems Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    Amstrad CPC (1985), Amstrad PCW (1986), Commodore 16 & Plus/4 (1986), Commodore 64 (1985), IBM PC/Compatibles (1988), ZX Spectrum (1985)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  13. Dinamic Software
    Versions also published by:
    The Codemasters Software Co. Ltd.
    Amiga (1989), Amstrad CPC (1989), Atari ST (1989), Commodore 64 (1990), IBM PC/Compatibles (1989), MSX (1989), ZX Spectrum (1989)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  14. Nichibutsu
    Versions also published by:
    Imagine Software Ltd.
    Amstrad CPC (1986), Arcade (1985), Commodore 64 (1986), ZX Spectrum (1986)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  15. Accolade, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Kixx, U.S. Gold Ltd.
    Amiga (1990), Amstrad CPC (1990), Atari ST (1990), Commodore 64 (1990), IBM PC/Compatibles (1990), ZX Spectrum (1990)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  16. Dinamic Software
    Versions also published by:
    France Image Logiciel, Imagine Software Ltd., Summit Software
    Amstrad CPC (1987), Commodore 64 (1987), IBM PC/Compatibles (1988), MSX (1987), Thomson MO (1987), Thomson TO (1987), ZX Spectrum (1987)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  17. Dinamic Software
    Versions also published by:
    Prism Leisure Corporation Plc, Summit Software
    Amstrad CPC (1987), Atari ST (1988), Commodore 64 (1987), IBM PC/Compatibles (1987), MSX (1987), ZX Spectrum (1987)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  18. U.S. Gold Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    Epyx, Inc., Erbe Software, S.A., Kixx
    Amiga (1989), Amstrad CPC (1988), Apple II (1989), Atari ST (1988), Commodore 64 (1988), IBM PC/Compatibles (1988), MSX (1988), ZX Spectrum (1988)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  19. Atari Games Corporation
    Versions also published by:
    Kixx, Mindscape, Inc., Tec Toy Indústria de Brinquedos S.A., U.S. Gold Ltd.
    Amstrad CPC (1986), Apple II (1988), Apple IIgs (1988), Arcade (1985), Atari 8-bit (1985), Atari ST (1987), Commodore 64 (1986), IBM PC/Compatibles (1988), Macintosh (1989), MSX (1986), Sega Master System (1990), ZX Spectrum (1986)
  20. Gamestar, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Amiga (1986), Amstrad CPC (1987), Apple II (1987), Apple IIgs (1987), Atari ST (1986), Commodore 64 (1986), IBM PC/Compatibles (1986), ZX Spectrum (1987)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  21. Activision, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Activision (UK) Limited, Dro Soft, Pony Canyon, Inc., Proein S.A., Ricochet, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc., Tec Toy Indústria de Brinquedos S.A., Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd.
    Amstrad CPC (1985), Apple II (1984), Atari 2600 (1985), Atari 8-bit (1985), Commodore 64 (1984), IBM PC/Compatibles (1985), MSX (1984), NES / Famicom (1986), Sega Master System (1987), ZX Spectrum (1985)
  22. Opera Soft S.A.
    Amstrad CPC (1987), Amstrad PCW (1988), IBM PC/Compatibles (1987), MSX (1987), ZX Spectrum (1987)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  23. Konami Industry Co. Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    Konami Ltd., Konami, Inc., Sharp Corporation, The Hit Squad
    Amstrad CPC (1987), Arcade (1985), Commodore 64 (1987), MSX (1986), NES / Famicom (1986), PC-8800 Series (1986), Sharp X1 (1986), Sharp X68000 (1987), TurboGrafx-16 / PC Engine (1991), ZX Spectrum (1987)
  24. Ocean Software Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    The Hit Squad, Thunder Mountain
    Amstrad CPC (1986), Commodore 64 (1986), IBM PC/Compatibles (1987), ZX Spectrum (1986)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  25. Opera Soft S.A.
    Amstrad CPC (1989), IBM PC/Compatibles (1989), MSX (1989), ZX Spectrum (1989)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  26. Activision, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Mastertronic Ltd.
    Amiga (1986), Amstrad CPC (1987), Apple II (1986), Apple IIgs (1987), Atari ST (1986), Commodore 64 (1986), IBM PC/Compatibles (1986), Macintosh (1986), ZX Spectrum (1987)
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  27. Domark Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    Atari Corporation, Domark Software, Inc., Tec Toy Indústria de Brinquedos S.A., Tengen Inc., The Hit Squad
    Amiga (1989), Amstrad CPC (1989), Arcade (1989), Atari Lynx (1991), Atari ST (1989), Commodore 64 (1991), IBM PC/Compatibles (1989), Sega Genesis / Mega Drive (1990), ZX Spectrum (1989)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  28. Accolade, Inc.
    Versions also published by:
    Advance Software Promotions Ltd., American Action AB, Amsoft, Atari Corporation, Ballistic, Kixx, Slash Corporation, Sony Corporation, U.S. Gold Ltd.
    Amiga (1987), Amstrad CPC (1986), Apple II (1985), Apple IIgs (1987), Atari 8-bit (1986), Atari ST (1987), Commodore 64 (1985), IBM PC/Compatibles (1987), Macintosh (1986), MSX (1987), Sega Genesis / Mega Drive (1991), ZX Spectrum (1986)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  29. Again Again
    Versions also published by:
    Alternative Software Ltd., Avantage Software
    Amstrad CPC (1989), Atari ST (1989), Commodore 64 (1989), IBM PC/Compatibles (1989), ZX Spectrum (1989)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
  30. Ocean Software Ltd.
    Versions also published by:
    Erbe Software, S.A., The Hit Squad
    Amiga (1989), Amstrad CPC (1987), Amstrad PCW (1987), Atari 8-bit (unreleased), Atari ST (1989), Commodore 64 (1987), MSX (1987), ZX Spectrum (1987)
    Screenshots Cover Art Documentation Tech Specs Credits Links
Displaying games 61 - 90 of 205 in total