Reach for the Stars: The Conquest of the Galaxy - Third Edition

Platforms: Amiga, Apple II, Apple IIgs, IBM PC/Compatibles, Macintosh, PC-9800 Series
Technical Info
Minimum System Supported: Amiga 1000
Minimum RAM Required: 512 KB
Minimum Kickstart Version: Kickstart 1.2
Display Hardware Supported: OCS/ECS
Media: 3.5" Disk
Input Devices: Mouse
Additional Supported Options: Hard Drive Installable
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1-4 Players
Apple IIgs
Technical Info
Minimum RAM Required: 512 KB
Media: 3.5" Disk
Input Devices: Mouse
Additional Supported Options: Hard Drive Installable
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1-4 Players
Commodore 64
Technical Info
Media: 5.25" Disk
Input Devices: Joystick
Gameplay Info
Business Model: Commercial
Number of Players Supported: 1-4 Players